Collection: Oily Hair Treatment

Do you often have greasy hair, an oily scalp and find yourself having to wash your hair too frequently? Our oily hair treatment is what you are looking for.

Specially designed to address the problems of oily scalp, with effective natural active ingredients, this treatment helps you rebalance the production of sebum, also freeing you from itchy scalp. The products we have studied also nourish and strengthen the hair, improving overall health and manageability.

Experience the difference on your skin

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functionality, passion and transparency

Why choose us?

Unlike many others, our goal is to ensure maximum effectiveness of the product, because this is what really matters

  • We care that it works

    Commercials, spectacular bottles, famous testimonials... they are useless!

  • We put our heart (and head!)

    We are a team of experts who put their passion for skincare first.

  • We explain everything to you, step by step

    You have the right to know what you are using, cosmetics don't work as magical as they make you believe!

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In short words...

Because we are sincere! 🙂

Our cosmetics are 100% produced and formulated in Italy